Import popular CAD part and assembly files directly into Verisurf with MBD. Speed inspection planning with intelligent, model associative GD&T with datums, feature control frames and tolerances.
All Supporting SoftwareYour customer or in-house Engineering can send their native CAD file from any design platform, and using the translator, read it directly into Verisurf eliminating double-translation(the first translation >out from the native CAD system, followed by a second translation >into Verisurf for your CMM work).
CAD options are: CATIA V5 & V6, NX, CREO, JT, & STEP AP242 with MBD. (Note that IGES, STEP, SolidWorks, Autodesk, AutoCAD and several other CAD file importers come included automatically with Verisurf at no extra charge.)

CAD Translator Options

Inquire about the TRANSLATOR BUNDLE.
It includes all the listed translators at a discounted price when purchased together as a bundle.
Free Importers (below)
included w/Verisurf no charge
IGES (*.igs; *.iges)
STEP (*.stp; *.step)
STL (*.stl)
Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt; *.iam; *.idw)
AutoCAD (*.dwg; *.dxf; *.dwf; *.dwfx)
SOLIDWORKS (*.sldprt; *sldasm; slddrw)
Solid Edge (*.par; *psm; *.asm)
Parasolid (*.x_t; *.x_b; *.xmt_txt)
Mastercam (*.mcam; *.mcx)
Mastercam Education (*.emcx*)
ACIS Kernel SAT (*.sat; *.sab)
VDA (*.vda)
Rhino 3D (*.3dm)
Keycreator (*.ckd)
ASCII (*.txt; *.csv)
SpaceClaim (*.scdoc)
Alibre Design (*.ad_prt; *.ad_smp)
HPGL Plotter (*.plt)
PostScript (*.eps; *.ai; *.ps)
Assembly Preview &
Component Import Selection
Import complete assembly files. Preview and select components to import.
Import & Apply Semantic PMI
Interactive MBD - GD&T
Imported PMI is semantic with tolerances and datum targets directly applied and can be used automatically for controlled inspection.
Beyond part geometry, PMI with semantic dimensions and GD&T are included.
CAD Tree &
Select/View Manager
Selection tree Operations Manager allows click to view or exclude. Captured Views are powerful and comprehensive. Blanked components can be unblanked and added to the CAD environment.
Captured Views
Two dimensional views are also imported and selectable for clarity to aid inspection and programming.